SFSU Statement: Wiley Journals

Academic Affairs colleagues,

After multiple attempts to negotiate an acceptable package and pricing with Wiley for the journals it publishes, the CSU Chancellor’s Office was unable to secure a systemwide deal that was acceptable and affordable. Like other CSU libraries, San Francisco State has participated in the package negotiated by the Chancellor’s Office at a significant discount and with access to many more titles than we could afford through individual or package subscriptions as an individual campus.

Wiley has extended courtesy access for the month of January 2015, but after that, we will have current subscriptions only to those journals to which we individually subscribe as a campus. We are in the process of determining how many of the high use titles we can afford to retain that are not included in other journal packages to which we subscribe. For those titles we do not continue through subscriptions, current articles will be available through Interlibrary Services (ILLiad). We will retain perpetual access to the back issues/content previously included in our subscription under the terms and conditions of the previous systemwide license.

CSU libraries will be working collectively with the Chancellor’s Office to determine whether we can successfully negotiate a new package with Wiley or to otherwise provide content published by Wiley for 2016-.

A CSU statement on the outcome of negotiations with Wiley for its journal package is available at the link below:

The statement was picked up by Library Journal, so you may see it covered in other media outlets.

In Library Journal: http://www.infodocket.com/2015/01/08/california-state-university-libraries-end-system-wide-subscription-to-wiley-electronic-journals-package/

Debbie Masters
University Librarian
San Francisco State University

J. Paul Leonard Library, 1600 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94132

Message sent January 8, 2015