CSU Fullerton Statement: Wiley Journals

For several years, the CSU system has subscribed to a collection of over 1300 online journals published by Wiley. After multiple rounds of negotiation, the CSU and Wiley were not able to reach an agreement to continue this subscription for 2015, (but access will continue, see below). Please see this statement from the CSU Chancellor’s Office for full details: Equitable Access, Public Stewardship, and Access to Scholarly Information. As noted in the statement, “The terms offered by Wiley and Company would have meant a cost increase of 10-12% across the CSU system: nearly double the average reported 2014 journal inflation rates reported by Library Journal in 2014.” Please see the below frequently asked questions regarding access to Wiley content at CSUF.

Will we lose access to all Wiley journals?

No. This decision only affects access to journals published from 2015 onward. Access to the 1300 journals from 2014 and earlier will continue as in the past. Pollak Library has maintained separate subscriptions to a number of individual journals. In some cases, you may access Wiley content on a different online platform than in the past. These journals are not affected. Please check the “Find Journals” tab of the Pollak Library website to access a particular journal. Last year, CSUF faculty and students downloaded fewer than ten articles per journal from the vast majority of the journals in the Wiley package, and so we expect the impact to be minimal.

How will we access new 2015 articles?

Pollak Library librarians have carefully assessed campus usage of the journals that were in the CSU system-wide package. Based on that analysis, the Library has begun individual subscriptions for 65 journals from the package which have shown very high use patterns. All other titles formerly accessed through the package can be requested through Interlibrary Loan (ILL).

How do I know what access we have to a particular journal?

Search the journal title in the “Find Journals” tab of the Pollak Library website. See http://library.fullerton.edu/#findJournals. Keep in mind that this link reflects our real-time access. Activating new journal subscriptions takes several weeks so the 65 new subscriptions will not be accessible online immediately. In the meantime, please send your article requests through Interlibrary Loan (ILL).

Please contact Heather Tunender (htunender@fullerton.edu, or ext. 8467) or Ann Roll (aroll@fullerton.edu or ext. 8625) if you have additional questions.

Dr. A. Scott Hewett
Interim University Librarian

Pollak Library
CSU Fullerton, 800 North State College Boulevard, Fullerton, CA 92831